Sunday, April 17, 2011

Few Pictures

A few of our friends have posted photos on Facebook, but since everyone can't access those, we will post some of the highlights here. When we get the real photos from our photographer, we'll figure out a better way to post a bunch of those.

*Because I can't figure out how to rearrange them, it's best to look at the pictures vaguely from the bottom up. Sorry. :/

**If you'd like a photo of yourself or someone else in particular, but don't see it here, just ask if we have any. We probably do or will and would be happy to send it to you.


Since some of you couldn't hear all of our personal vows, it was requested that we post them here for your appreciation.

Chris's vows to April


I try not to abuse the word "love". In the wrong hands, it's an empty vessel to be filled by whatever the listener wants to hear, and it saves the speaker the hard work of saying exactly what he means. But sometimes the big words are the only ones that can say everything you mean. So here goes:

I vow to make your happiness my happiness.
I vow to never stop trying to make you laugh.
I vow to protect and defend you from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
I vow to be your partner in philosophy.
I vow to be where you need me, when you need me, for as long as you need me, and not a second longer.
I dedicate every mote and particle of myself to our bond.
And I swear to never stop using split infinitives, even though you hate them. Especially because you hate them.

I love you. I always will.

April's vows to Chris

Oh Topher, how did we ever become such ridiculous sweethearts?
Back in the ol’ SJC coffee shop, our silly story starts.

I thought you were funny, you thought I was cool,
And hey, we must’ve had something in common to go to that school.

But mere acquaintances we remained until your senior year,
When many events occurred, MOST catalyzed by beer.

First there were some chats and much general flirting,
But our real intentions we were constantly skirting.

We saw each other weekly to discuss the Fites.
Oh, how I began to anticipate those Tuesday Nites!

The senior essay party finally got the ball rolling,
But there was still an issue that needed cajoling.

By senior prank you knew what you were missing,
And that fateful April night, we started kissing.

It’s been a full five years since all that went down,
And now here we stand in tux and gown.

On this wonderful day I vow to be your loving wife
And to spend with you the rest of my happy life.

I want to share in your joys and to comfort your pains,
While always by your side I promise to remain.

I love you more than I ever thought I could
And like you more than anyone probably should.

I take you now, both silver and gold,
To be my faithful husband until we are grey and old.

To lead you to the beautiful is my greatest vow.
Dear Krista, will you please marry us now?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The real question: What do I wear?

So a few of you have asked me about the dress code for the scheduled events. Attire for the wedding is as you would anticipate. The wedding party will be formal; guests should be dressed nicely (probably no jeans or t-shirts...), but formalwear is not expected.

The rehearsal dinner is more variable. I'd recommend nice casual, but you can really wear whatever you'd like. We promise not to turn you away, but do maintain the right to judge you. (I kid, I kid!) The younger folks will likely have to do a lot of standing as seating is limited and should be reserved for our older guests, so ladies take this into consideration when making your shoe selection.

See you all very soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

National Cherry Blossom Festival

So we just happened to schedule our wedding during the last weekend of the Cherry Blossom Festival. What is this fun-sounding event, you ask? Well, the Cherry Blossom Festival is only the BEST* seasonal tourist attraction in DC (*Source: April). During early Spring, the Japanese cherry trees, uh, blossom into the prettiest* little pink and white flowers you've ever seen (*Source: April). We recommend you take advantage of being in town for this beautiful event and take a walk around the tidal basin, which is lined with blossoming cherry trees. You can even rent a paddle boat and float betwens the trees. Also, over the course of the two official weeks of the festival, there are many, many festivities held to honor this annual renewal. For example, on the morning of our wedding, there will be a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House. And here you thought you might have to entertain yourselves that day! Nope! We've taken care of that, too (and by we, we mean the wonderful city in which we reside). But hey, we planned it that way! (And by we, we mean April.)

In all seriousness, early April (the month) in DC is absolutely beautiful, mostly due to the cherry blossoms. If you haven't seen them in all their glory before, please head downtown and see what all the hype is about. I promise you won't regret it! (Just be prepared to share the experience with thousands of your closest friends.)

Check out the National Cherry Blossom Festival website for more information, including a detailed schedule of various events, such as the parade, walking/biking tours and other entertainment. As always, if you have any questions, we'd be happy to help.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


If you are reading this blog (which you are), you have almost certainly received the invitation and are faced with the decision of whether or not to attend our little party. As soon as you make that decision, please please please fill out the RSVP card, stuff it in the pre-addressed, pre-stamped envelope, and drop that baby in the mail! It would be a huge help if you respond sooner rather than later, but we understand if some decisions take longer than others. As long as we hear from you before 2/20, all will be well.

If, however, you lose the RSVP or the envelope or you no longer believe in snail mail or you just distrust the conspiracy called the postal service, feel free to use other means of communication to let us know you'll be here. We accept emails, texts, and phone calls (just not collect). You can even comment on this very blog post. Just provide all the information requested on the RSVP you received, and we'll be square.

Also, if you are not currently located in the States, we forgot to put enough postage on your return envelope, so you'll either have to supplement our efforts or transmit your response by one of the alternate means listed above. Sorry about that! (Eva, you are the exception to this folly. Now don't you just feel special?)

We do encourage everyone to use the response cards, though. We like getting mail, too!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where to stay

**Update #2**
The discounted rate at the Sheraton is only good until March 22. After that the rate nearly doubles. So book soon! Also, the sooner everyone reserves, the sooner transportation can be secured. Thanks!

The link to the Sheraton site has been fixed! If you clicked on it previously and didn't get to the information page, please try it now. Sorry about that!

So you have your boarding passes in hand, already gassed up the SUV, and/or just started walking north/south/east/west (choose two), but you need somewhere to go when you get here. Chances are you'll want to freshen up before the wedding (and sober up afterward), and while the Reflecting Pool seems like a good idea now, the Park Police doesn't take kindly to public nudity. Thus, we have some suggestions for legal places to stay in the DC area.

First and foremost, a group rate is available at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, VA. The reduced rate, $149/night, is valid Thursday through Sunday nights (4/7-11) and includes parking and Sunday brunch, hosted by Chris's parents. There will also be a club room where guests can gather throughout the day. This hotel is located just outside the District, 9 miles from the wedding location and 6 miles from the rehearsal dinner. Arrangements for transportation to and from the wedding events will be made.

The hotel has many standard amenities, notably free shuttles to and from Reagan International Airport and the Pentagon City Metro Station (blue line) and an indoor heated rooftop pool. Use the link below to read more about the hotel and to make reservations. You must use this link to get the group rate.

Sheraton National Hotel - Sharp and Stuart Wedding

While it would be fun for everyone to be in one place, there are many, many other hotels, motels, inns and B&Bs in the DC area. Other recommendations:

Brookland Inn
$150/night, free parking, walking distance to St. Francis Hall.

Bloomingdale Inn
Rooms starting at $90/night with shared bathroom, street parking only, located in our neighborhood between our apartment and the Hall.

Silver Spring, MD has several affordable standard-amenity hotels and is only 5 miles from the wedding location. Silver Spring is located on the opposite side of the city from the rehearsal dinner, however.

Nota bene: There are a few hotels/motels on or near US-50. These are the closest standard lodgings to the Hall and are quite cheap, so they might be tempting. The neighborhood, however, leaves something to be desired as do many of the hotels, so we do not recommend you stay at these places.

If you have any questions, concerns or difficulties while trying to find your home away from home, please contact April, Michele Stuart, or Brian Jones. The three of us have spent months looking at hotel rooms in DC, and we'd be happy to help you with your accommodations. The most important thing is for you to have a cozy bed to collapse into at the end of the night. You're going to need it!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The only gift we request is your presence, and we really mean it. If, however, you would also like to help us equip our marriage, we have registered at Bed Bath & Beyond. You can access our registry by clicking the link below or by entering either of our names on the Bed Bath & Beyond website. As of this posting, the registry is still a work in progress, but various things will be added to it soon. Promise!

Please don't consider this an all-inclusive or restrictive list. There are almost certainly things we forgot and/or don't yet know that we need. We also love local, handmade, and artisan wares and would be thrilled to receive those unique items that you think we just have to have.

We thank you in advance for your generosity, but again, your presence at our extravaganza will be gift enough.